LMFV Trap Clinic @ Pitt Meadows - February 16 & 22, 2025
Introduction to competition trap shooting.
Pitt Meadows Gun Club, Pitt Meadows BC
Part 1: Sunday, February 16, 2025 - 10:00am to 3:00pm
Pitt Meadows Gun Club, Pitt Meadows BC
Part 2: Saturday, February 22, 2025 - 8:30am to 3:00pm
This is a free instructional clinic if you prepay the LMFV League event fees.
The fees that you are paying are for the clay targets during the instructional clinic and the Singles and Handicap event fees on competition day. There is no charge for the instruction as the clinic is taught by volunteers.
PITT MEADOWS MEMBERS: If you are a member of Pitt Meadows Gun Club, you won't need a daypass and you will need to pay your clinic targets directly to the club. Please de-select the checkbox for the daypass + targets.
Instructors: TBD
Only 15 spots are available.